Who is not familiar with the beneficial effects of lavender essential oil today? Ranging from the treatment of insomnia to various skin related problems, lavender essential oil proves to be one of the biggest blessings of God Almighty. Although lavender plant itself is quite useful, but its effect can even be more potent when used in the form of lavender essential oil extracted from the steam distilled from the lavender flowers.
In some of the previous articles I have described the beneficial effects of lavender essential oil for human body, for skin, for brain, etc. and in this article I am going to list different home remedies in which lavender essential oil is used so that you can make a good use of this oil if you have it in your home.
Home Remedies Using Lavender Essential Oil:
Below are listed the various home remedies which make use of lavender essential oil:
- Bug Repellent:
Lavender essential oil have a specific type of scent which is dangerous for many different types of bugs, these types include mosquitos, moths and midges. Applying the lavender essential oil on the skin can help you prevent these bugs and their bites when you are outside. Moreover, you can also apply lavender oil to treat the pain and irritation associated with the bug bites on the skin because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
- Treats Sleep Disorders:
If you are suffering from sleep disorder or are not getting sound sleep, using the lavender essential oil is a good home remedy. The studies have shown that the people with half an hour exposure to the scent of lavender essential oil before going to bed are encountered to have deep sound sleep. You can either spray the oil on your pillow or you can smell the oil 30 minutes before going to bed for amazing sleep.
- Treats Headaches:
If you are prone to migraines or are suffering from severe headache, using the lavender essential oil can work wonders for you because of its relaxing properties. It also reduces stress and the feelings of anxiety among people treating headaches. You can rub oil in your scalp or forehead to treat headache instantly.
- Cure Acne:
Acne is a stubborn skin problem which is caused by bacteria which eats on face sebum. Lavender oil reduces over-excretion of sebum on face while controlling the bacteria from causing infection.